Dylan Eck


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Dylan Eck is a founder of E&F. He is a dedicated engineer with expertise spanning software development, blockchain analysis, and mechanical engineering. Dylan has an impressive academic and professional background, highlighted by his published research and innovative projects.


Loren Cook Company - Associate Design Engineer (Nov 2023 - Present)

Assists in the design and development of high-quality air-moving equipment like fans and blowers to meet evolving customer needs. Managing product documentation and collaborates with production to ensure performance standards and specifications are met, specializing in ventilating various facilities worldwide.

Boise State University - Undergraduate Researcher (May 2021 - Jul 2021)

Conducted detailed research on tracing Bitcoin transactions using blockchain data, developing Python tools to analyze pseudo-anonymous transactions. Successfully publishing the paper Diffusion: Analysis of Many-to-Many Transactions in Bitcoin at the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain.

Notify Cyber - Founder & Developer (Mar 2023 - May 2023)

Helped design a full-stack web application delivering aggregated cybersecurity news. Utilized React, Next.js, and serverless functions. The platform attracted over 17,000 unique visitors, 43,000 page views, and 160+ signups to its email service waitlist.

Colorado School of Mines - Capstone Project (Aug 2021 - May 2022)

Collaborated on the Labriola Innovation Hub Tour Guide Robot, utilizing Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The project was ranked 5th out of 70 at the Mines Capstone Design Showcase in 2022.


Colorado School of Mines (Aug 2017 - May 2023)